Yoga Book Windows (YB1-X91F) 软件优化及触摸驱动微调

(English version is on the bottom of the page...)

简单谈一下Yoga Book Windows版:

  • Yoga Book自带的东西不算多,虽然是单语言简中系统,但其实是可以选英文界面的,开机第一屏就可以选👍
  • 由于完全是靠Windows 10做恢复,所以没有办法做恢复盘之类的东西。如果你想用GParted Live做整盘备份(我就是这么干的),记得进入BIOS(完全关机后同时按住音量上键和电源键直至出现启动菜单,关机要按住Shift跳过Windows的快速启动哦)关闭Secure Boot。你需要一个USB集线器外接键盘鼠标(Halo Keyboard不进Windows不能用)和U盘,进入GParted Live之前记得充满电(USB集线器反向供电充不进去电),另外你还需要一个外接显示器,因为最新版的GParted Live启动到X后会花屏(但是外接显示器就不会花,什么鬼😵)。这个机器用的是eMMC,没有NAND里分区表、u-boot之类乱七八糟的东西,直接dd整盘就好了。
  • Lenovo Paper一定要删掉,否则你一按音量键OneNote就会跳出来,神烦。
  • 不喜欢启动项的(尤其是声卡那个托盘图标,软件里关不掉的)直接用Task Manager或者CCleaner干掉含RtkNGui64.exe的启动项即可。不喜欢联想Dolby音效的(真的很烂,不如没有)可以将RtI2SBgProc64.exe一起干掉(顺便在控制面板里把Dolby那几个软件卸载掉)。其他启动项还是留着比较好。
  • 希望微调数位笔的朋友可以去下载Wacom Feel的驱动,不过要注意这个驱动会将笔调整为鼠标模式,Windows就不会接管Ink之类的功能了。如果你不用Photoshop,没必要装这个东西。
  • 如果你需要重装系统,联想中国区支持网站是不会搜到任何东西的说,你要到美区网站找。那个所谓的Intel Chipset包里面包含了乱七八糟的各种东西,抱歉我也不知道如何在重装的系统上把驱动装全,太乱了,从没成功过😂
  • 如果你想升级已经安装的驱动,不要被任何更新日期为2017年3月之前的驱动包欺骗,因为这个机型从发售到现在一次驱动都没更新过(BIOS除外)。
  • 如果你想升级BIOS,一定要检查BitLocker的状态,如果开了全盘加密(似乎有一些机型出厂默认加密),升级完BIOS如果手头没有备份密钥是无法解密分区的,只能重装系统。
  • 我还没找到默认FnLk的方法😭这的很不方便。这是Windows不是Mac,加上那个聊胜于无的触摸板……
  • 我在这里吐槽过Yoga Book的触摸板,不过最近无意中发现Goodix(Yoga Book触控模块是这家的)的驱动是有配置项可以微调的😎除了可以用Halo Keyboard软件调整的按键发声、按键震动和背光超时、亮度以外,你还可以在注册表 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GoodixTouchDriver 微调(记得先备份注册表,下面的值都是10进制):
    • 触摸板可用范围需要微调这四个值:TP_TOP, TP_BOTTOM, TP_LEFT, TP_RIGHT 我尝试将左右边界调大一些(就是把掌托也变成触摸板),但是触摸范围似乎是在固件里锁死的(也有可能是硬件限制),调大这个值可触摸的范围只会变小不会变大。
    • 似乎这个驱动将触摸板分为了ABDE四个区,AB好像是左右键,DE区在下面详解:
      • D区是触摸范围内的右键区。没错,你不仅可以用那个独立的右键右击,触摸板的第四象限单击也是右键哦~(这是哪个脑残设计的驱动😤)将下面的两个值修改后这个区域就会被屏蔽掉了:
        • TP_D_TOP = 0
        • TP_D_LEFT = 1276
      • E区是触摸板启动区,即触摸板中间的圆点。在打字后直接用触摸板是不行滴,要从中间那个圆点那里开始划动才会启用触摸板。这个选项本来是为了防止误触的,但是实际用起来就是个脑残x2的典范😅将E区大小调整为整个触摸板的大小就可以屏蔽这个功能了:
        • TP_E_LEFT = 508
        • TP_E_TOP = 357
        • TP_E_RIGHT = 1276
        • TP_E_BOTTOM = 0
      • 双指右键和拖拽锁定不知道怎么调,我放弃了……其他几个值看起来像是可以调FnLk的,但其实不是。
    • 悲催的是触摸功能在Android版可以随便调,震动力度也可以调节,果然Windows版是后妈养的😩
  • 关盖的情况下按一下电源键会点亮屏幕,这逻辑没救了(果然是个平板)。有时候会睡死,这个解决起来不难,关掉Windows休眠和快速启动后睡死的几率会小很多。
  • 总体评价:硬件 8.5/10,软件及驱动 -∞ <- 负分滚粗😤

Yoga Book Windows (YB1-X91F) Software Optimisation and Touch Driver Tweaks

Well let's talk about Yoga Book with Windows 10:

  • The Simplified Chinese Windows 10 Single Language Edition actually allows to use English from get go, nice👍.
  • Since you can only recover or reset with Windows's built-in tools, there's no such a thing of recovery media. You can use GParted Live to image the whole drive (like I did) remember to disable Secure Boot in BIOS (which you can push both volume up and power button while booting and you will see the boot menu shortly. This only works when Windows fast boot is disabled, aka, shutdown with shift key pressed). You also need a USB hub and external keyboard and mouse (without Windows, Halo Keyboard will not work) as well as a flash drive. Charge fully before entering GParted Live since you cannot charge with power back-feed from the hub. In most cases an external monitor is required, due to it will display broken image when enters X (but works fine with an external monitor, how strange😵). The storage is eMMC-based, so there's no u-boot, special partition table, etc. You may dd the whole thing.
  • The first thing after you boot up Windows is to remove Lenovo Paper from program and features. Or every time you hit volume button, OneNote pops out.
  • If you are not a fan of start up apps (especially the sound card control app, which cannot be disabled or quit normally) use Task Manager or CCleaner to kill RtkNGui64.exe. Not a fan of Dolby effect (it's terrible anyway)? Kill RtI2SBgProc64.exe as well (along with Dolby-related apps in program and features). Other stuff might be helpful, leave them as is.
  • If you want to tweak the pen, you can use Wacom Feel driver. Although it will take over the pen from Windows Ink so don't use this driver if you are not plan to use with Photoshop.
  • All drivers are available at Lenovo support website. The Intel Chipset package contains countless BS. Sorry I don't know how to install the drivers the right way, since I have never succeed😂
  • If you just want to update your current drivers, don't trust those drivers that claim to be updated before March 2017 (which IS every single driver) because this product does not receive ANY driver update EVER (except BIOS).
  • If you want to update BIOS, remember to disable BitLocker. Apparently there are Yoga Books manufactured with BitLocker enabled by default. Without a proper recovery key, you WILL NOT retrieve any data from those encrypted partitions after BIOS update.
  • I still failed to find a way to enable FnLk by default after boot 😭 which is really inconvenient. This is a Windows PC, not a Mac. Without function keys by default is not acceptable.
  • I complained about the touchpad here, but recently I discovered that Goodix (which manufactures the touch module in Yoga Book) drivers comes with several configurations in registry 😎 Except those can be tweaked with Halo Keyboard app (includes button sound/vibration and backlight timeout/brightness), you can also change several other settings registry address HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GoodixTouchDriver (remember to backup registry first, all values shown here are in decimal, not hexadecimal):
    • You can adjust the range of touchpad with TP_TOP, TP_BOTTOM, TP_LEFT and TP_RIGHT. I tried to change the left and right boundary (which extends touchpad to palmrest) but failed. It seems you can only shrink the range but not enlarge. Firmware limitation? (or maybe hardware limitation)
    • It seems the driver divides touchpad into 4 sections (labelled as A, B, D and E). I believe A and B are for touchpad buttons, while D and E is explained here:
      • Section D is the right click area INSIDE the touchpad (not the button to the right). That's correct, you can use the button to right click but also right click with the fourth quadrant of the trackpad (who designed the driver?! 😤). If you change following values the area will be disabled:
        • TP_D_TOP = 0
        • TP_D_LEFT = 1276
      • Section E is the activation area of touchpad (page 6 user guide, although the user guide is not entirely right, either). Usually after you finish typing, the touchpad is disabled unless you start the stroke from the activation area, which prevents accidental touches. But in real life that is a textbook-level design failure. You can tweak the value of section E as follow to disable this function:
        • TP_E_LEFT = 508
        • TP_E_TOP = 357
        • TP_E_RIGHT = 1276
        • TP_E_BOTTOM = 0
      • As of how to enable two-finger right click and drag lock, sorry I gave up. There are other values looks like can be used to enable FnLk by default, but it doesn't work as expected.
    • What makes it worse is that all those settings can be easily adjusted in Android version, as well as strength of vibration. Yeah. The Windows Yoga Book is a disaster, period 😩
  • The screen and touch will turn on when you hit the power button WITH the lid closed (WTF!? so it's a tablet after all, huh?) Sometime the Yoga Book stop to respond after a long period of sleep. There's a easy fix: disable Windows hibernation and fast boot, and the chance of hang will decrease significantly.
  • Overall impression: Hardware 8.5/10. Software and drivers -∞ <- sigh 😤


  1. thusithaaw says:

    Can you upload the original dd image of this yoga book. i updated windows 10 and clean the old files to save space. now few problems with sd card detection and i find a device called tool device which has no driver.

    • x-magic says:

      Well, my YogaBook is chinese version, and IIRC there's no English language available in that image. Also that thing is almost 8GB large (compressed) and will take me forever to upload it.

      Try install the driver in different sequence? You should be able to find the driver for most unknown devices in the chipset driver package on Lenovo's website. I know it's a mess but that's the thing we have to deal with (sorry). Let's start from here first.

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