移动设备收藏展示 第2集 HTC Touch Diamond

My mobile device collection, episode 2: HTC Touch Diamond

HTC Touch Diamond - Feature image

品名 Product name HTC Touch Diamond P3720
颜色 Color 黑色 Black
操作系统 OS Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
处理器 CPU MSM7201A @ 528MHz
容量 Capacity 4GB (内置,不可扩展) 4GB (Integrated, not expandable)
电池 Battery 900mAh
屏幕 Screen 2.8" LCD VGA (480*640)
相机 Camera 前置: VGA、后置:320万像素自动对焦 Front: VGA, Rear: 3.2M pixels autofocus
成色 Quality 二手 Pre-owned
发售日期 First released 2008年5月 May, 2008
其他 Others VGA屏幕、已刷港版ROM、Telstra定制版 VGA LCD screen, updated with HK ROM, Telstra OEM
当前状态 Current status 可工作,仅用于收藏 In working order, for collection only
相关信息 Related info 中文维基百科, English Wikipedia

HTC Touch Diamond,国内俗称钻石,是HTC在2008年的旗舰智能手机。这款机型设计独到,做工也很结实。在触屏手机的大潮里也为Windows Mobile平台试探性地增加了大量的触摸优化,引进了重力传感器。用户界面为TouchFLO 3D,这套界面后来在很多HTC的Android手机身上也能看到。只是没能引进电容屏幕而只是采用了平面的电阻屏,导致触摸操作手感很差。屏幕大小仅2.8英寸但是却塞进了一块VGA分辨率的屏幕,PPI高达286(甚至高于最新的iPad Air 2),色彩在当时的旗舰里也算出彩的了,简直就是当年的Retina Display。

HTC Touch Diamond is HTC's flagship smartphone in 2008. It has an amazing design as well as rock-solid build quality. To fit touch screen smartphone trend back in days it added a lot of touch optimizations to Windows Mobile platform and integrated a G-force sensor just like Android phones and iPhones. HTC Touch Diamond has TouchFLO 3D preinstalled which can be also found on HTC Android phones later in time. Unfortunately it still uses resistive touchscreen which makes touch operations way worse than capacitive touchscreens found on iPhones and Android phones, and doesn't support multitouch. It has a 2.8" LCD screen but is in outrageous VGA resolution with 286 ppi (even higher than current iPad Air 2). The color gamut is pretty good among its competitors. In comparison, iPhone 4 with Retina display was announced two years later than HTC Touch Diamond.

HTC Touch Diamond - Size and design

Touch Diamond牌指纹收集器(笑)采用了全平处理的电阻触屏,下方配以一体化设计的支持触摸操作的导航键。背面则是HTC著名的钻石纹路,不过都是塑料钢琴漆,一磨就花。后置320万像素摄像头,支持自动对焦,前置摄像头为VGA画质,支持视频通话。触屏笔自带磁铁,塞进机身一半时会自动旋转到合适的方向,然后触笔就会被“吸入”机身里面,是非常有趣的设计。当然因为机身大小的缘故,触笔也很短。

The Touch Diamond fingerprint collector (XD) uses flush resistive touchscreen along with single-panel touch-enabled 5-way navigation key on the bottom of the phone. On the back is HTC diamond-like design. Although it's made out of plastic and has zero abrasion tolerance. Rear camera is a 3.2 Megapixel shooter with autofocus. Front-facing camera is VGA quality supports video calls. Stylus has a built-in magnet that aligns it when put stylus back to the phone, and stylus will be suck into the slot automatically, which is a really interesting feature. But due to small footprint of the phone, stylus is pretty short.

HTC Touch Diamond - Engraving and battery compartment

HTC Innovation是当时HTC的口号,自然也印在了机身和电池上。4GB内置存储作为卖点印在了机身的另一侧。

Innovation is HTC's slogan back in 2008 and eventually shown on the left side of the phone as well as back of the battery. Internal mass storage, which is a feature of the phone, is engraved on the right side of the phone.

最后,以一段视频简单感受一下Touch Diamond的触摸功能优化。

At last, I present you a video about touch optimizations achieved by HTC TouchFLO 3D on Touch Diamond.


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