移动设备收藏展示 第7集 索尼 VAIO C1 第三代

My mobile device collection, episode 7: Sony VAIO C1 3rd Generation

VAIO C1 3rd Gen in a glance

品名 Product name 索尼 VAIO C1 PictureBook PCG-C1MHP Sony VAIO C1 PictureBook PCG-C1MHP
颜色 Color 银色 Grey
操作系统 OS Windows XP Professional
处理器 CPU 全美达 Crusoe TM5800 @ 867MHz, 512KB二级缓存 Transmeta Crusoe TM5800 @ 867MHz with 512KB L2 cache
内存 Memory 256MB(128MB板载及128MB uDIMM 模组),可升级至384MB 256MB (128MB soldered with a 128MB uDIMM module), Upgradable to 384MB
硬盘 Hard drive 30GB, 2.5", PATA
显卡 Graphics ATI Mobility Radeon-M, 8MB VRAM
电池 Battery 1800mAh @ 11.1V, Li-ion
屏幕 Screen 8.9" UWSXGA (1280*600) TFT LCD
光驱 Optical drive i-Link DVD combo (24x CD-ROM/CD-R, 10x CD-RW, 8x DVD-ROM)
摄像头 Camera VGA画质,有手动对焦环 VGA quality with manual focus
输入输出 Input/Output 电源、56k调制解调器、USB 2.0、端口复制器接口、音频输入输出、记忆棒读卡器、PCMCIA插槽、火线(4芯)、Motion Eye摄像头、两段式快门键、指点杆、JogDial(端口复制器上另有RJ45、VGA和视频输入输出接口) Power, 56k modem, USB 2.0, port replicator, audio in/out, Memory Stick reader, PCMCIA slot, i-Link (IEEE1394), Motion Eye camera, two-level shutter button, pointstick and JogDial (RJ45, VGA out, composite video in/out via port replicator)
重量 Weight 998g
网络 Network 内置蓝牙1.1、10/100BASE-T局域网、802.11g无线网(通过Cardbus网卡) Bluetooth 1.1 built-in, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet and 802.11g Wi-Fi via Cardbus adapter
成色 Quality 二手 Pre-owned
发售日期 First released 2002年8月 August, 2002
其他 Others 英国键盘,带全套附件,包括端口复制器和火线刻录光驱 UK keyboard layout. Came with all accessories including a port replicator and an external i-Link DVD combo drive
当前状态 Current status 可工作,仅收藏 In working order, only for collection
相关信息 Related info Sony VAIO C1 Series on Wikipedia, Transmeta Crusoe on Wikipedia

"Crusoe Inside"Upgradable uDIMM memory module

C1是VAIO系列中的经典之作,也是索尼为数不多使用全美达处理器的电脑(Vaio U1/U3)。C1按照外观区分总共出了3代。第一代机型内置奔腾或奔腾2处理器并预装Windows 98,第二代机型转为全美达CPU,第三代机型(这篇文章提及到的版本)则提升了性能并加入了蓝牙和JogDial。C1为了减小机身尺寸还使用了uDIMM的非标内存(但是硬盘却是标准的2.5寸,竟然还不是1.8寸的小硬盘),加上内置的蓝牙和JogDial功能,算得上是比较独特的产品了。

VAIO C1 is classic, and one of few VAIO laptops using Transmeta CPU. C1 has 3 different designs. First generation come with Windows 98 and Pentium/Pentium II. 2nd generation change design a little bit and move to Transmeta platform. 3rd generation, which is mine, upgraded with new specsheet and integrate Bluetooth and JogDial. To manage weight and dimension, C1 uses uDIMM memory module which is rare. With Bluetooth built-in and JogDial, C1 is simply unique compare to its competitor.

Backplate of C1Right side of C1Memory Stick readerLeft side of C1

机身A面就是标准的Vaio系列设计啦,包含凹陷的VAIO标识,下面的信仰标则是突出并拉丝的设计。机身左侧是散热口、PCMCIA扩展槽和火线接口(还配有单独的供电接口,为随机的火线光驱供电)。前面可以看到指点杆(没地方放触摸板)和鼠标按键(与ThinkPad一样带中键,可用于滚屏)以及一个记忆棒读卡器。最初这个读卡器是不能读PRO系列的大容量记忆棒的,不过后来通过固件更新可以开启对新一代记忆棒的支持。至于机身右侧则是音频输入输出(都是3.5毫米)、端口复制器接口、一个USB 2.0、电源接口(和后来的一些款式,比如我有的Vaio UX,是通用的接口)和56k猫(发个传真啦上个网啦杠杠的~)。

Top of the laptop has VAIO and Sony logo. There is vent, PCMCIA slot and i-Link port on the left and on the right, is audio in/out with 3.5mm jack, port replicator, USB port, power inlet and of course, a 56k modem. If it's a VAIO, it must has a Memory Stick reader. This one reads normal sticks in the beginning, and can support PRO sticks after firmware update.

Bluetooth switchJogDial and shutter button


C1's highlighted features, except the camera, is built-in Bluetooth and JogDial. Laptops are start to equip wireless connectivity since 2001 and C1 is no exception. C1 not only has Bluetooth hardware but also a bundle of software that optimizes user experience, such as JogDial-controlled BlueSpace manager and Smart Capture app that share pictures over Bluetooth. Also please notice the shutter button to the right of JogDial that has a 2 level switch to achieve some level of stabilization, in my opinion.

Desktop with JogDial helper bar

JogDial launcher appJogDial in scroll modeNormal window with JogDial helperBlueSpace app with JogDialJogDial helper dislocatedJogDial Folder Browser appPowerPanel appJogDial optimized program


JogDial is always Sony products' featured function. It was used on phones and PDAs and now finally in laptops (along with VAIO U series). JogDial helper will always show on top right corner on the screen. When JogDial is pushed, app launcher will show up and can be used to launch other applications with JogDial. In file explorer, JogDial will become a scroll wheel and tray icon will show its current mode as well. In normal Windows dialog JogDial can be used to scroll through buttons and push equals actuate highlighted button. On the right side of each dialog box there's a black cell shows how to use JogDial in current window. In software come with C1 things getting a little bit different. Black cell to the right of window become a JogDial menu and those apps are mostly optimized for JogDial in various ways, such as BlueSpace and Setup utility shown in screenshots. There are also some apps that specifically designed to use with JogDial, such as a file explorer and power manager. Although some apps might not compatible with JogDial software, such as battery status app shown in screenshot.

Motion Eye cameraCamera sampleCamera software on C1

摄像头是C1被称作PictureBook的主要原因。这只Motion Eye摄像头是索尼Vaio上流行的翻转式设计,可以转向后方,画面会自动颠倒。摄像头只能拍摄640*480的图像(以及更低分辨率的视频),并且仅支持手动对焦(上有对焦环可以转动,还好不是定焦)。配套软件可以通过快门键直接开启,界面设计很有科技感,有整合蓝牙功能,可以管理拍摄的照片。点击图片可以查看样片,当然质量和现在的摄像头没法比啦。

C1 is named PictureBook because of this Motion Eye camera. It has the well-known flippable design with auto picture rotation. The camera is in VGA quality and even lower resolution when recording video. Only manual focus is supported with focus slider (thank god it's not fixed). Smart Capture app mentioned earlier can be started with shutter button. It has a contemporary UI design and can be used to manage camera roll as well as share pictures over Bluetooth. A sample picture is attached above.

Port replicator frontPort replicator back


There are two accessories came with this C1: port replicator and external optical drive. The port replicator provides a VGA port for projector, an Ethernet port and second USB port. Also it has AV composite in/out jack for TVs and handycams. Connector can be tuck into a slot on the top of port replicator.

External DVD drive on standModel number of external DVD driveEject pin come with external DVD drivei-Link port on optical drive and C1, along with cable with dedicated power outlet


This PCGA-CRWD2 optical drive is pretty unique. It's a DVD combo drive that reads DVD at 8x and write CDs at 24x. It uses a special cable to connect with C1 that uses DC output next to i-Link port. It can be also powered with external power source. I'm a little bit confused why it's not USB powered but never mind. It come with a heavy base that positions the drive vertically on the desk. There's a eject pin on the back of the drive, next to a pad. Why no other external optical drives copy this brilliant idea? What a pity.

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