移动设备收藏展示 第9集 惠普 Jornada 720

My mobile device collection, episode 9: HP Jornada 720

Jornada 720 on docking station

品名 Product name 惠普 Jornada 720 HP Jornada 720
颜色 Color 深蓝色 Dark blue
操作系统 OS Windows CE 3.0 Handheld PC 2000
处理器 CPU StrongARM @ 206MHz
内存 Memory 32MB
电池 Battery 1.5Ah @ 7.2V
屏幕 Screen 6.5" HVGA (640*240) 16-bit CSTN LCD
输入输出 Input/Output 电阻式触摸屏幕、电源、RJ11 调制解调器、串口、红外线、耳机接口、智能卡读卡器、PCMCIA插槽、CF卡读卡器、扩展坞端口、提醒灯按钮及多媒体按钮 Resistive touchscreen, power jack, RJ11 modem, serial, IrDA, headphone jack, smartcard reader, PCMCIA slot, CF card reader, docking station port, notification light button and multimedia controls
重量 Weight 499g
网络 Network 内置56K V.90调制解调器 Built-in 56K V.90 modem
成色 Quality 二手 Pre-owned
发售日期 First released 2000
其他 Others 日文版键盘及系统板 Japanese keyboard and system ROM/RAM board installed
当前状态 Current status 可工作,仅收藏 In working order, only for collection
相关信息 Related info Wikipedia

In the front: media buttons, hold slider and stylusBack: CF card slot, dock connector and battery

还记得几年前仍然有一些发烧友拿HPC插着Wi-Fi卡远程控制家里的PC工作,而现在随着智能手机和平板的普及,这个古董终于彻底淘汰了。我手中的这台Jornada并不是末代旗舰的728,但是成色还算不错,入手的时候还带原装的底座,把机器往上一放,手写笔一插,比不少笔记本还拉风。大屏幕加触屏和键盘的设计确实是比不少PDA还来得有效率。Jornada 720还有9小时的使用时间,已经是很不错的成绩了。

I can still search online that few enthusiasts RDP their PCs using a HPC with Wi-Fi card. But with modern tablets and smartphones, HPCs are as dead as it can be. Mine Jornada is, unfortunately, not model 728 - the last HP Jornada HPC, but since it's in good shape and came with a docking station, so be it. It looks way cooler than a lot of other gadgets, especially you dock it and stick that stylus in the socket on docking station. Relatively large screen with touch capability does make it more productivity than its rival PDAs. Add up that 9 hours battery life, I have to say it's good.

Right side: power jack, RJ11 modem and serialLeft side: IrDA, headphone jack, smart card reader and PCMCIA slot


Ports are just as usual as it gets: IrDA, modem, etc. Except PCMCIA slot, there's a smart card reader (for enterprise apps only) and CF card slot which even supports 16GB cards. But PCMCIA slot is 16-bit and my Wi-Fi adapter is a Cardbus adapter. Notification button is a fantastic design. It lights up when new message is received and it will be open when you push the lighted button. The keyboard is, well, average (due to its size).

Windows CE HPC 2000 preinstalledThere's Windows Media Player!And of course, Internet Explorer

从照片里可以看到低分辨率的CSTN屏幕颜色很一般,而且背光不均匀,对比度也很差,这个是硬伤,毕竟是2000年的产品,不能强求太多。这台HPC预装的系统是Windows CE HPC 2000,自带Office套件和一些惠普的应用,因为内存的缘故还有自带备份恢复的软件。内置的Windows Media Player支持wma和mp3播放,可以用机身前部的媒体键控制。当然有了媒体播放器肯定也少不了IE啦,随身互联网的噱头不是盖的。

As you might noticed the CSTN-powered display is not exactly good-looking, with bad backlight and bad contrast. Not really something comparable with modern technology. OS preinstalled is Windows CE HPC 2000 with Office suite and HP apps such as backup & recovery (for volatile memory). System has a built-in Windows Media Player that plays wma and mp3 format files and can be controlled with multimedia buttons in the front of the unit. Where there's WMP, there's IE of course.

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