移动设备收藏展示 第11集 索尼 PSP 系列

My mobile device collection, episode 11: Sony PSP series

PSP Phat and PSP Go

品名 Product name PlayStation Portable (PSP-1001)
颜色 Color 白色 White
处理器 CPU MIPS R4000 @ 333MHz
电池 Battery 1800mAh @ 3.7V
屏幕 Screen 4.3" 480*272 TFT LCD
重量 Weight 280g
成色 Quality 全新 Brand new
发售日期 First released 2004年12月 December, 2004
其他 Others 已安装 PSP-CFW-Pro,光驱已拆除 PSP-CFW-Pro installed, optical drive has been removed
当前状态 Current status 可工作,仅收藏 In working order, for collection only
相关信息 Related info 中文维基百科, English Wikipedia

PSP Phat FrontPSP Phat Back


My first PSP is a Japanese white model and in pretty bad shape. White PSPs can get discoloration on buttons and back easily over time, which also happened to mine.

PSP Phat with loading slot open - drive has been removedPSP Phat's Memory Stick slot


You can see I have already removed optical drive from the chassis because it was fitted with a modded battery. UMD switch was also damaged during the procedure so even I put the drive back it will not work again. Memory Stick shown here is a fake one with 4GB capacity. Although it's labelled with MagicGate logo but it doesn't support copyright management at all. BTW, USB port on first generation PSP will not charge the unit, what a pity.

PSP Phat and PSP Go BottomPSP Phat's battery compartment

机身底部可以看到电源输入口,下面还有触点,部分第三方底座可以用此触点为PSP充电,这个设计在后来的机型上都被取消了。另外,只有第一代机型的扬声器是放在机身下方的,其他的型号都位于屏幕两侧。我这个版本包装里还带有线控,可以插入左边的耳机孔。PSP的电池有两款,标准款1800mAh,还有一个2200mAh的版本,体积是一样的,只是印字是金色的。后来的版本要么换用了内置电池(PSP Go,PSP E),要么使用了更薄的电池。

Power jack is at bottom of the unit with contact pins which allow third party docks to charge PSP. This design is removed from future PSP models. Stereo speakers on PSPs are placed next to display except first generation, which is fitted at the bottom with opening on front panel. My version of PSP also came with a line control which can be plugged into headphone jack on the left side. PSP has two batteries: 1800mAh standard version and a gold-labelled 2200mAh version with the same dimension. Later PSP models are using slimmer batteries or has a non-removable battery.

品名 Product name PlayStation Portable Go (PSP-N1002)
颜色 Color 黑色 Black
处理器 CPU MIPS R4000 @ 333MHz
电池 Battery 930mAh @ 3.7V(不可拆除) 930mAh @ 3.7V (Non-removable)
存储 Storage 16GB(内置,可使用M2卡扩展) 16GB (internal, expandable with M2 card)
屏幕 Screen 3.8" 480*272 TFT LCD(宽色域支持) 3.8" 480*272 TFT LCD (w/ wide color space)
重量 Weight 158g
成色 Quality 全新 Brand new
发售日期 First released 2009年10月 October, 2009
其他 Others 已安装 PSP-CFW-Pro PSP-CFW-Pro installed
当前状态 Current status 可工作,使用中 In working order, use occasionally
相关信息 Related info 中文维基百科, English Wikipedia

PSP Go with lid openPSP Go Back

PSP Go是在2009年E3上发布的为数字内容优化的版本,不取代同时期的PSP 3000型掌机。机身采用滑盖设计,按键也改为类似NDS的微动按键,不再是以往的硅胶杯型按键。背面则取消了UMD设计,取而代之的是16GB的内置存储。机身设计非常像索尼的另一款随身设备mylo,不过大一圈罢了。机身顶部的USB接口也被机身底部的多用接口取代,如需使用过去的PSP附件(例如GPS或相机)则需要专用的转接器。

PSP Go is announced on E3 2009 that is optimized for digital contents and will not replace PSP 3000 at time. It has a slide-open design and buttons are hidden under the lid. Those buttons are no longer silicon cup buttons but micro switches just like on Nintendo DS. UMD drive has been removed from the back and replaced with 16GB of on-board storage. The design of PSP Go is very similar to Sony mylo, which is also a digital companion device, except PSP is bigger. mini-USB ports on previous PSPs are replaced with a proprietary port at bottom. An adapter is released to fit accessories such as GPS and PSP camera.

PSP Go TopPSP Go M2 card slot


Buttons that previously placed at bottom of screen is moved to the top. L and R buttons are no longer acrylic plastic but shiny metallic buttons. To save space, expansion slot now accept M2 card only. With 16GB of built-in storage along with a 16GB M2 card, that was a lot of spaces back in 2009.

Both in highest brightness. PSP Go has color space set to widePSP Go's third brightness level is  similar to PSP Phat's fourth level. PSP Go in this picture also has color space set to normal and background set to classic (which is the same as PSP Phat)

PSP Go使用了更小的屏幕但分辨率不变。颜色也继承了PSP 3000型的宽色域,亮度也更高。图中比较了两台PSP在最高亮度下的色彩表现,并比较了在类似亮度下关闭PSP Go的宽色域后的表现。

PSP Go is fitted with smaller display with the same resolution. It also support wide color space just like PSP 3000. The display has a higher brightness as well. Those pictures compares displays on PSPs with highest brightness, as well as "normal color space mode" on PSP Go with similar brightness to PSP 1000.

PSP Go versionPSP Phat version

两台设备现在都是在运行PSP 6.60固件并安装了procfw PRO-C2自定义固件。PSP 1000得益于bootloader漏洞可以直接启动,而PSP Go则需要开机后运行启动器才能进入自定义固件。

Two devices are both flashed with latest 6.60 firmware with procfw PRO-C2. PSP 1000 can restart without patch due to its bootloader exploit. PSP Go need to run a injector app every time it reboots.

PSP camera appPSP SensMe channels music appPlayStation Store on PSP


Latest firmware come with some apps such as camera, SensMe player, and of course, PlayStation Store. Since PSP family is discontinued in 2004 and store will be closed any day soon.

PSP Phat: Flash Player settingPSP Phat: Battery information settingPSP Phat: Battery information screen

PSP 1000还包含Flash Player的选项以及电池信息页。这两个功能在PSP Go里都已经取消了。

PSP 1000 also has Flash Player options and battery information page. PSP Go has those things removed.

PSP Go: Bluetooth settingsPSP Go: Video output settingsPSP Go: Skype app

而PSP Go则加入了蓝牙功能,可以与耳机和PS3手柄配对使用。另外还继承了从PSP 2000开始加入的视频输出和Skype功能。Skype应用还是蛮有意思的,配合内置的麦克风可以打网络电话,不过不支持视频。

PSP Go on the other hand, has built-in Bluetooth that supports headsets and PS3 controller. It also has functions from previous PSPs such as video output and Skype app. Skype on PSP is fun and can make Internet call with built-in microphone. But video call is not supported.

PSP Go: Hibernate gameplayPSP Go: Resume gameplay

PSP Go最有意思的功能莫过于游戏暂停。在进入游戏后按下PS键即可看到暂停游戏的选项,游戏可以像休眠电脑那样存入游戏机,然后去运行另一款游戏。之前存储的游戏可以随时从主菜单调出。

Most convenient function in PSP Go is "Pause Game". Press PS button in a game to reveal the option and it allow game to be stored directly to system like hibernate a PC, and then play another game instead. The stored game can be loaded back into memory from main menu later in time.

上面的视频展示的是PSP Go比较独特的屏保功能。当合上盖子的时候屏幕上会出现时钟屏保,还可以切换为日历模式。在机主的生日当天还会显示祝福语。

Above video presents the unique PSP Go screensaver. When slider is closed a clock screensaver is shown up and can be switched into calendar mode. On owner's birthday it will also show "Happy Birthday" on screen.

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