无论是以前的XPS12还是新买的ThinkPad X260,竟然都遇到了插电的情况下要执行两次睡眠指令(包括合盖、按电源键以及开始菜单点击Sleep,任意组合两次)才能真正进入睡眠状态的问题(不插电的情况下不影响)。经过各种蛋疼的排查,终于揪出Paragon ExtFS for Windows这个罪魁祸首,鼓掌撒花o(∩_∩)o
I met this issue (both on my Windows 8.1 XPS12 and Windows 7 ThinkPad X260) that I have to run sleep command twice (whether I close the lid, push the power button or run sleep in Start Menu) to get the laptop to sleep when laptop is connected to power source. After some tedious search and experiment I finally figure out that Paragon ExtFS for Windows's driver is causing this problem. Simply get rid of the software to resolve this sleep issue.