移动设备收藏展示 第4集 诺基亚 N97 mini
My mobile device collection, episode 4: Nokia N97 mini
移动设备收藏展示 第3集 各类扩展卡
My mobile device collection, episode 3: Expansion cards
移动设备收藏展示 第2集 HTC Touch Diamond
My mobile device collection, episode 2: HTC Touch Diamond
移动设备收藏展示 第1集 简介/iPod mini 2Gen
My mobile device collection, episode 1: introduction / iPod mini 2Gen
我做移动设备收藏也有一段时间了,一直都是自娱自乐,突然有整理一下在博客里留个纪念的想法,于是乎就有了这个系列。我将尝试在接下来的一段时间内每天展示一部我收藏的移动设备(包含PDA、电脑以及附件等等),欢迎大家前来吐槽 😀
I have collect vintage mobile devices for a while and it was keeping to myself all the time. I suddenly have this idea that I should share my journey with all mobile device fans and that's the reason behind this series of blogposts. I'll try my best to showcase one of my collection everyday (including PDAs, computers and accessories). You are more than welcome to comment.